Personality Assessment

Part of my life coaching services includes using a customized Personality Assessment that I've designed based on twenty years of study and experience.

This is an approximately 20-page detailed analysis of your core personality traits, based on a written (or electronic) assessment that you fill out.

The information in the Personality Spectrums profiles delineates the way people handle the major aspects of their lives, and is organized according to how that particular personality style works with the following aspects of an individual's life:

· Approach to Physical Reality: environment, health, and the real world
Mental Attitudes: intellectual capabilities, thinking, and problem-solving skills
Emotional Makeup: personal interactions and emotional health and well-being
Social Style: friendships, intimate relationships
Compatibility with Other Colors: strengths and weaknesses of each pair of colors for emotional, mental, and physical compatibility
Personal Power and Leadership Style: power and leadership skills within a group
Financial Choices: attitudes and values concerning money and finances
Career Options: representative careers in which individual talents and capabilities would lead to success
Spirituality: moral, ethical, and religious attitudes, attitudes, and values [For some Personality Spectrums colors, this spirituality is encompassed by the concept of a Higher Being, which I will refer to as "God." I use this term as a nondenominational reference.]

The information in these nine main categories falls into definitive paradigms of thought and action. That means that each of the fourteen types have unique ways of coping with the demands of life as they arise in these major areas. For example, each type has different ways of handling the needs and concerns of the real world. Some will tackle the problems directly and literally wrestle them to the ground. Other colors will attempt to ignore problems, hoping that they will go away. As the entire range of potential behaviors in each of the nine areas is delineated, personality types emerge.

Each type has individual patterns of behavior that are distinct from each of the others. In some cases the behaviors may be similar, but the motivations that fuel those behaviors are different. For example, one may exercise because they have a difficult time sitting still. Another, because they think a fitness program is a good idea. Each profile will describe the primary behavior patterns of individuals of that type. Understanding the basis of people's deep-seated drives helps us to be tolerant of the external actions or words of others.

Your primary personality type indicates your behavior traits and processing style. Your secondary type indicates what you are working to become or what you idealize. As you become more aware of your personality traits, you can choose situations and actions that work for you that are in harmony with your natural inclinations that your brain and nervous system can handle most efficiently to bring you the most joy. Each type, with its attendant talents and abilities, has its own niche in the personality spectrums system.